Alan Ross & Ted Orland — Photography

Expressive Photography

Instructors: Alan Ross & Ted Orland
Medium: Film or Digital Photography
Class Limit: 16
Fee: $750
Dates: May, 19–21, 2021 (W–F)

Ted Orland and Alan Ross will be in Carmel again leading an exciting Carmel/Big Sur workshop. The workshop will be focusing on “Expressive Photography.” An expressive photograph is the ultimate blend of vision, passion, and craft, and the secret to creating one is not in the tools or technology you use, but in knowing how to see, interpret and express.

In this hands-on inspiring workshop—open to photographers at all levels—the emphasis will be on mastering those photographic concepts and the techniques essential to the creation of a more expressive image that represents your vision.

Under the guidance of long-time Ansel Adams assistants and master photographers Alan Ross & Ted Orland, you will learn how to isolate and evaluate the elements of a scene, translate the literal into the expressive, and use optics and exposure to best effect.

Visits to Point Lobos, Big Sur, and some of the Monterey Peninsula‘s most picturesque locations will provide inspiration and opportunity, with demonstrations, practice sessions and critique, laying the foundation for your individual photographic advancement.

Please note: As we dig into final preparations, it is becoming increasingly clear that in order to create a workshop environment for 16 participants that is COVID-friendly/safe, allows for lively conversation, close proximity instruction and image review, and the free interchange of thoughts and ideas without the barrier of masks, we’ll need to limit participation in the workshop to those fully vaccinated. We feel strongly that having our own workshop “cocoon,” both when gathering as a group in our dedicated indoor space and during 1:1 instruction and interaction in the field, is vital to the overall workshop experience. It’s also vital to keeping everyone, including your instructors, safe. 🙂 This will mean that everyone should have received their second dose (or first dose of the one-jab vaccine) on or before May 5. If you can please verify your vaccination status as soon as possible, that would be greatly appreciated. 

What You’ll Learn

Important topics covered during the intensive three days will include:

  • Visualization—what it is and why it’s important
  • Equipment choice and its impact on your final image
  • Optics and exposure
  • Filters—how and when to use them
  • Evaluating a scene and managing the details
  • Tonality
  • Preparing the image for printing
  • Printing and presentation—bringing your vision to life on paper

By the end of the workshop, you will have the tools and methodology you need to respond to your vision with confidence.

Digital Photographers: Please bring a laptop if you have one for Alan to provide feedback and editing suggestions.

Student Testimonials

“I have traveled with Alan on two of his fall jaunts: Death Valley and Fall Road Trip. Both were more than excellent. Let me put it this way:  Alan is the ultimate photo accessory! Whatever your format–35mm, medium, large, or digital, Alan will inspire you. Advice on technical and aesthetic issues is always available. And, I have to say, just being around Alan–with his decades of experience in fine art photography–is worth the price of admission. Over the last 30 years, I have done workshops from Maine to California; Alan’s are the ones I remember and enjoy the most.” ~Gene A., New Mexico

“Alan is a wonderful teacher whose passion for photography always shines through. His copious knowledge of technique, composition, work with light, and especially shadows, opened up a new dimension of photography for me and improved my skills, starting with the first lessons. And nowhere else have I learned as much about the pros and cons of the digital approach compared to analog. I also appreciate Alan’s patience, concentration, and precision at work, as well as his constantly honest and friendly critiques.  ~Daria B., Switzerland

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Waiting List — Alan Ross